The concept of sustainable building incorporates and integrates a variety of strategies during the design, construction and operation of building projects.
Read MoreThe National Weather Service said Many elements are coming together for a significant severe weather event on Thursday April 2, 2009.Long track supercell thunderstorms seem likely.
Read MoreThere are many methods of sinkhole repair. Here is a list of the commonly used types for sinkhole repair in Florida.
Read MoreSinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by ground water circulating through them. As the rock dissolves, spaces and caverns develop underground.
Read MoreBelow is a list of laws that govern the conduct of property insurance claims in the state of Florida. This list is not meant to be comprehensive, only to provide an overview of the protection and guidance the law affords:F.S. §624.
Read MoreWhat does hail damage look like on asphalt shingle roofs? Areas of lost mineral granules will be apparent, with more severe granule loss on roof slopes facing the direction from which the hailstones fell (or blew) during the storm.
Read MoreWalking on some roofs causes damage: These are the very “footprints of damage” which occur on fragile, old, worn roof shingles.A little story: A “failed” roof was not leaking until the fellow who was asked to inspect it walked across this fragile surface.
Read MoreRoof Installation Workmanship: Fasteners/Nailing Problems, Wind Damage appeared to have led wind blow-off of these Atlas shingles, though an investigation of whether or not the shingles had self-sealed was also needed.
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